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Meet the Governors

Meet the Governors

We have a busy group of  governors who meet every half-term.

There are various types of governors on the governing body including parents, staff and co-opted governors who have been chosen due to the skills and experiences they can bring to the school.

Please use the link below to find details about the Accomplish Trust structure and remit of the Trust’s members, Board of Trustees, Committees as well as information about each of the Trust’s members and their service to date.

Governance | Accomplish Multi Academy Trust (

Meet the Governors

The Trust's Finance Reports and Accounts


The link below connects you to the Accomplish Website.

Here you can find audited annual report and accounts, memorandum of association, articles of association, names of charity trustees and members, the funding agreement and details of Trust employees with a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more.

Accomplish Multi Academy Trust – Accomplish Excellence for All (