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Comments and Feedback

Comments and Feedback

Feedback from Dr Mark R Smith FRAS FRi, Nuclear Fusion Physicist, Astrophysicist following a day working in school with year 4 and 5.  
Hello Mrs Frost,
I would like to let you know about my recent visit (4th year) to Stanley Grove primary school to deliver an Astrophysics STEM activity to Class 5 and their teacher Mr Lee Whipp.
It was a fantastic day with everyone, the children were very knowledgeable about aspects of the universe, they were very proficient in their mathematical calculations, they performed a successful experiment into the performance of atoms, and had some brilliant questions which kept me busy answering.
Please pass on my thanks to Lee and class 5 and I wish everyone a lovely summer break.
Best Wishes
Dr Mark R Smith FRAS FRi
Nuclear Fusion Physicist
Feedback email from sports coach Glenn Thornton, following delivering a sports event for the whole school in June 2022.

First I would like to say thank you for having us in on Tuesday to host our 3v3 event.

It was a brilliant day, played in great spirit and competitive nature by the whole school. It was thoroughly enjoyed by myself and Josh and was a pleasure to deliver.

The results after all the year groups played were:

1. Jamaica 285

2. Wales 203

3. England 198

4. South Africa 154

5. Nigeria 137

6. Canada 134

7. Australia 118

8. New Zealand 110

9. Scotland 106

10. India 100

The star player picked by both coaches was Bobbie. Her attitude towards her teammates and opponents was superb, every game she played was in great spirit with a positive attitude that stood out throughout.

Glenn Thornton

Feedback from Outreach and Engagement Officer following a session with our Junior Leaders – Stanley Planet Savers.

Thanks for inviting us, tweeting and participating in The Great British Spring Clean. The children were all lovely and so well mannered- please pass on feedback. A credit to Wakefield.

Many thanks


Sarah Scott

Outreach and Engagement Officer (Wakefield West)

Communities, Environment and Climate Change

Wakefield Council

Feedback from Director of Music following singing and music workshops with class 4, 5 and 6. Spring 2022

Just a quick note to say how much I enjoyed the past few weeks. It was absolutely superb to see all the classes singing well, enjoying it and gaining so much from what I was doing. I hope they all remember it fondly and hope to see them in the future at some point! I am always keen to see things like this happen!

Do please pass on my thanks and congratulations to the class teachers and your headteacher for creating such a warm environment and switched on school to work with. I hope they also enjoyed seeing their pupils flourish.

With all best wishes, Ed

Ed Jones
Director of Music

Wakefield Cathedral