Safeguarding information
Stanley Grove Primary and Nursery Academy is committed to the highest standards of child protection and safeguarding.
At Stanley Grove we will support children in our care by:
- Promoting a safe, caring and positive environment within the school.
- Encouraging self- esteem and allowing our children to develop self – assertiveness.
- Tackling bullying, harassment and complaints effectively.
We recognise that some of the children in our care may be victims of neglect, physical, emotional or sexual abuse. All staff working with our children are well placed and trained to identify signs of abuse.
In order to protect our children we will:
- Create an atmosphere where all our children feel safe, secure, valued and listened to.
- Recognise signs and symptoms of abuse and neglect.
- Respond quickly, appropriately and effectively to any cases of suspected abuse.
If you have a concern that any child is being harmed or at risk of being harmed or you receive a disclosure (intentionally or unintentionally) you must contact the following members of staff (Designated Safeguarding Leads) as a matter of urgency.

Mrs Frost. Headteacher

Mrs Wood. Senior Office Admin

Mrs Johnson. SENDCo

Mrs Knowles. Learning Mentor
Everyone who works with our children should be aware that their role is to listen and note carefully any observations that may indicate abuse.
In the case of an allegation relating to a staff member, the Headteacher is generally the key contact rather than a DSL. If a child protection concern is raised about the headteacher then contact must be made to the team of Designated officers for safeguarding at Wakefield Council ( LADO) Tel: 01977 727032 and the Chair of Governors