As part of a trust-wide initiative to improve attendance across all our schools, we’re launching an exciting new attendance challenge! We really want to boost our whole-school attendance and encourage every child to be in school every day.
Our School Council have introduced this in assembly.
The initiative is linked to a class reward for good attendance.
⭐ Each class will receive a wooden jar and a star chart.
⭐ If everyone in the class is present, they earn a star in their jar each morning.
⭐ Our goal is 100% attendance every day!
⭐ Once the jar is full, the class gets to vote for a special treat from a School Council-created menu of rewards.
To help with this, our School Counsellors are ready to support and have delivered the attached PowerPoint to every class.
Let’s get the children excited, encourage friendly competition between classes, and keep attendance a big focus! Who will be the first class to fill their jar and earn a reward?
I can’t wait to see how well we do as a school!