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Our intention here at Stanley Grove is that:

  • Our children leave school as numerate children equipped with the ability to persevere, take on challenges and communicate mathematically.
  • Pupils are prepared for real life and are used to using mathematics across a range of situations and subjects.
  • Daily mental practise allows pupils to become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics.
  • Children are regularly presented with problem-solving activities which challenge their thinking and allow them to use and apply their skills.
  • The children use and hear accurate and appropriate mathematical language in a range of situations.

A selection of the things we do in Maths connected to Outdoor Learning at Stanley Grove:

  • Y1: shape hunt and chalk number formations.
  • Y2: co-ordinates in a grid, directions and turns.
  • Y3: angles, position and direction, capacity.
  • Y4: measuring distances with the trundle wheel, finding perimeter of playground, outdoor problem-solving booklet.
  • Y5: accurate measuring to find lengths and converting measures.
  • Y6: measuring area of playground and field, collating RSPB Big Bird Watch data.

Some of the cross-curricular Maths we do at Stanley Grove:

  • Y1: Science (weather measurements, plant measurements, transport bar charts showing how we get to school).
  • Y2: Activ8 (maths linked to PE), History (chronology connected to Great Fire of London).
  • Y3: History (timelines for ancient Greece), Science (bar charts showing size of shadows).
  • Y4: Enterprise: surveys/market research, working out costings and profits, History: Roman numerals, Geography: line graphs showing population change over time, Science: charts connected to evaporation rates.
  • Y5: History: Mayan maths using hieroglyphs for addition and subtraction, Geography: line graphs comparing education attainment in UK to other countries, Geography/Science: line graphs showing deforestation rates.
  • Y6: History: creating timelines for Iron Age to Bronze Age and working out time differences, Geography: analysing monthly rainfall and temperature in different South American countries and using to find averages, Science: constructing pie charts to show eye colour and analysing data.

Maths at Stanley Grove


Displays showing cross-curricular Maths


Rockstars and Diamond Dash Diamond Dash: Diamond Dash sheet with revised Platinum timing (it works out at 8.5mins at 3 seconds per question) and addition of Amethyst level for beginning chn to DD. Please test once per half term and keep a record of which level started at and how many levels moved in a year so that progress can be monitored. Certificates for anyone who moves a level on Friday in Shine. Rockstars: use Maths/ICT lesson to improve speed and accuracy and put Rockstars on homework sheets. Competition to see which class earns the most coins

Examples of the type of work we do in Maths books

Problem solving

Collaborative Maths: creating worded problems

Outdoor Maths: learning about angles

Practical Maths: mass and capacity

Maths in Reception

Year 1 shape work

Year 1 counting activities

Year 1 sorting activities

Year 4: Roman Numerals